Bill white
The Conquering Cancer website is designed to provide you with a wealth of hope, encouragement, inspiration, tools, protocols, real life testimonials, order links and a link to the web channel “Conquering Cancer” that shows you exactly how to do each part researched with helpful instructional videos. This web site is continually growing and being added to, new blogs, new devices and a growing list of testimonials so you can find one that comes close to what you are facing.

Giving people a second chance
After being diagnosed at age 62 with stage 4, aggressive Prostate Cancer that had already spread to the lymph nodes, Bill quit his job to pursue researching the past 100 years of the top cancer scientists, researchers, and oncologists including Dr.Royal Rife, Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Michael Greger and many others. Now, after over 5000 hours of tenacious research, Bill has developed / pieced together the most powerful way for the average person, in the comfort of their home, to be able to beat cancer and become a cancer conqueror.
Bill accomplished curing himself of aggressive cancer in 12 weeks, at home, naturally. He has since helped many become cancer conquerors including stage-4 and terminal cancer patients. While there is “no one size fits all” because every cancer-patient combination is completely unique, you will find great hope and encouragement on this website including an increasing number of testimonials.
Now Bill’s web channel “Conquering Cancer” on the NuYuNetwork is available for everyone and includes helpful instructional videos on every part of the 12 Part Natural Path Cancer / Disease Resolve and Address Protocol.
Always Exploring New Ideas and treatments
The current videos and his upcoming book cover everything from juicing and organic eating to Resonant Light Technology (Rife Technology), Coffee Enemas, Purified Water and the incredible power of prayer and how to alleviate the number one feeder of all cancer – stress! The pre-curser to Bill’s upcoming book is already available upon request ( and is translated into Spanish and Chinese. Bill’s “no one size fits all” approach, providing 12 complimentary parts, can give anyone immediate hope, encouragement and a step by step process to resolve any cancer or disease that plagues you. Bill’s further research into Vascular Therapy is particularly exciting for anyone living with chronic pain from their cancer / disease and includes a patented sleep device that has given Bill the greatest and most consistent, deep REM sleep of his life, further turbo-boosting his immune system and giving him his best cancer free PSA numbers yet. You will find the instructional videos and his upcoming book easy to understand and be amazed at how simple it really is, to become like him, a Cancer Conqueror!
Undeniable Proof

An organic diet of largely fruits and vegetables along with efficacious Juicing, will turbo-boost your immune system!

TWO classes of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Devices have been game changers in helping people become cancer free!

By combining protocols that address body, soul and spirit, the incredible power of the body to heal itself is unleashed!
Inside Our affiliates
This site is also dedicated to providing you a one stop shop for everything you need to become a Cancer Conqueror!