(Pictured Above is the Bemer Home Edition – What I use)
Bemer Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Vascular Therapy is one of the most dramatic developments in health science today as covered by Dr. Oz and my own personal experience. This technology increases the circulation of our blood with specific focus on the biorythmym of our capillaries achieving over time, 30% more oxygen to every cell of our body. In addition, Bemer’s ground breaking, patented sleep program provides the best, deepest REM sleep of most people’s life, significantly reducing sensitivity to chronic pain, in some cases curing the source of the chronic pain, and turbo-boosting your immune system. Pain = stress and stress feeds cancer so the impact of this technology cannot be overstated – it has changed my life.
My initial interest in this technology had a two-fold purpose, one was sleep improvement and specifically help in causing deep, more sound REM sleep and longer REM sleep which studies have shown to significantly improve and strengthen our immune system. My second interest was in pain reduction since I have lived with chronic pain for over 20 years. In an article written by Dr. Maria Cohut, on February 13, 2019, in Medical News Today entitled: “How Sleep Can Boost Your Body’s Immune Response”, it says “Researchers have demonstrated the importance of good-quality sleep time and time again, showing that a solid night’s rest can contribute to many aspects of physical and mental well-being. One new study has explained how sleep contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. New research shows how sleep boosts the functioning of immune cells.
Getting enough good-quality sleep each night is essential if we want to stay healthy and function well throughout the day. Additional Recent research also suggests that poor sleep increases pain sensitivity. Now, a study recently conducted by a team from the University of Tübingen in Germany has found a mechanism linking sleep to the functioning of the immune system. The researchers who led this study found that a good night’s sleep can boost the effectiveness of certain specialized immune cells called T cells. In my case, I suffered from a 2002 Triple Disc Fusion Surgery that had massive complications and subsequent significant arthritis taking hold all along the surgery site with two 7” titanium rods, a titanium plate and 6 titanium screws and significant degradation just above and below the surgery site. This was further exasperated through an improperly administered high resolution MRI in June of 2019, where I spasmed violently for 25 minutes in the tunnel displacing the L2 disc a ¼” to the left. Since then, I have lived with daily back pain, that at times, is a 10 out of 10 and very debilitating. So I began researching Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy also known as “Vascular Therapy” to see if it might be able to help me sleep better and reduce my daily pain while I wait for major back surgery, postponed twice due to Covid.
In my research, I found in Dr. Edmund Kwan’s book “Let it Flow”, On page V of the Introduction, Dr Kwan says “After years of study, surgery, consulting, researching the evidence, and living, I believe that if health is an equation with one solution, the very best evidence-based solution currently available is getting your blood to circulate all over your body – regularly and smoothly. Flooding your cells and tissues with oxygen and nutrients + getting rid of the wastes = healthy circulation. Healthy circulation = healthy cells = health.”
So I purchased an FDA approved Bemer Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Device and after 4 weeks of following the guidance and beginning the sleep mode, I began to experience the absolute best, most consistent and deep REM sleep of my entire life, including usually only waking up once a night to go to the bathroom whereas previously due to an enlarged prostate and battling aggressive prostate cancer, I used to wake up multiple times every night. In addition, I fall asleep very quickly when I go back to bed after using the restroom, and this a deep and refreshing sleep and then when my alarm goes off, I awake refreshed and have by far the lowest pain level ever in the past two years in particular and the most energy. The video link here is an introduction to Dr. Oz’s fascinating program on Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, also known as Vascular Therapy: https://youtu.be/bsKpDWDEKg4
In addition to the information in the video, you can click the below to order you very own Bemer Home Edition Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Device:
“Claim Offer” Box
Bemer Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Device
Order your Bemer Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Device – Home Edition.
God bless you and may all this information help you!, in your own pursuit of a really good night’s sleep and achieving pain reduction!
Bemer Home Edition – Set Up and General Instructions
(See Instructional Videos #16 & #17 posted 11/30/21)
When your Bemer arrives, you unpack the very well packed device, put the body length mat underneath your bottom sheet on your bed and plug the controller into an AC outlet and put the controller on your bedside table. For the first week, you will push the on button (it is a touch screen) and then push the Intensity button and choose intensity 1 and then start and lay down on your bed. The program lasts exactly 8 minutes and you will repeat again, anytime after 5 pm and do Another 8 minutes. At night there is a “Plus” button which you toggle Off to help you sleep better. You will continue this for 7 days and then at the beginning of week 2, you will choose intensity 2, again 8 minutes in the morning and 8 minutes at night. You will repeat for week 3 at intensity 3. Depending on the person, you can begin the Patented Sleep Program beginning either week 3, or week 4, or week 5 – each person is different. The very first night you do the Sleep Mode, you push the button entitled “Special”, put in the time you want to wake up and the sleep mode will begin with the display automatically turning off within 90 seconds and the Bemer will “put you into a wonderful deep REM sleep”. The sleep mode will run two hours and then the controller goes to sleep and automatically awakens two hours before you are set to wake up and with the display still dark, it will begin an “awaken and refresh and energize sequence” that slowly brings you out of your deep REM sleep by the time your alarm goes off, helping you awake, the most refreshed, I have ever experienced. Feel free to call or email me anytime.