For most of us when the doctor first walked in and said the word cancer, it really jolts you, especially if you’re not expecting it. And some like me, hear right out of the gate that there’s not much hope, you are stage 4 / terminal, but this is what we’re going to do. Then, what is described, for most of us is daunting, unappealing and our first question is why?! Why me?!
Well I am here to give you living proof that there is a God and there are many exceedingly great and precious promises of God that prove that there is great hope, in fact there’s living hope!
First God is love!
“…because God is love.”
1 John 4:8c
“…God is love,…”
1 John 4:16b
Now we don’t have time to talk about the entire world situation and the crazy history of mankind and even the current world situation. Right now we’re just focusing on you and God. The fact that God is, actually is undeniable. Just look in the mirror. You are incredibly made and you are completely unique of all the billions of people that have ever lived on this planet, there’s only you and to show you how much God loves you, personally, individually, this is what He says about His love for you:
“Jehovah appeared to me from afar, saying, Indeed I have loved you with an eternal love, Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.”
Jeremiah 31:3
“For it was You who formed my inward parts; You wove me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, And my soul knows it well. My frame was not hidden from You When I was made in secret, Skillfully fashioned in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; And in Your book all of them were written: The days that were ordained for me, When not one of them was yet. And how precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more than the sand. When I awake, I am still with You.”
Psalm 139:13-18
So in summary there is a God, He loves you very, very much and He has promised to help you and the result of this is not just hope but a Living, Alive, Hope!
It is a hope that gives you a reason to wake up every morning full of anticipation of the miracle that God will do in your life today because the truth is, every breath we breathe is a gift from the God who made us and who loves us and who has promised to help us and is holding you by your right hand even as you read this.
“For I am Jehovah your God, Who takes hold of your right hand, Who says to you, Do not be afraid; I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13
Hold on to this promise, cling to it, speak it out loud and believe it with all your heart for it is true. And as you exercise just a little faith, like a grain of mustard seed, one of the smallest herb seeds on the planet earth, something will begin to rise up in your heart and it is called living hope!
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has regenerated us unto a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”
1 Peter 1:3
2021 years ago a person was born, lived, died at the age of 33 1/2 and then was resurrected. He showed us what love looks like. He loved everyone! The sinner, the sick, the dying, even the dead (He raised three people who had died, one of whom, Lazarus, had been dead four days), the self-righteous, He loved them all. He healed every disease known to man. He opened the eyes of a man born blind, He healed a paralytic who had been in that state his whole life, He opened the ears of the deaf and He opened the mouth of the dumb, He graciously forgave a woman caught in the very act of adultery and He opened the hearts of the self-righteous and He had mercy and compassion like the world had never seen before and then this perfect human being, who never once had to say I’m sorry, went to the cross and died an all-inclusive death on behalf of us all. And as proof positive that God accepted Jesus’s sacrifice on behalf of every single human being, God raised Him from the dead on the third day exactly as prophesied by Daniel the Prophet approximately 537 years in advance (Daniel 9:24-26). Every aspect of His birth, life, living, death, resurrection are all covered by hundreds of prophecies spanning thousands of years. This one has been appointed by God to be the Author of eternal life and by receiving Him right now as your Lord and Savior, you will receive along with eternal life, a living hope that will empower you and strengthen you each day of your cancer battle to the uttermost. I know it did me and I have experienced more little miracles in the last two years then I can even keep track of including the fact that God saw fit to open my eyes to a way in which most people can become cancer free from terminal cancer in an average 12 to 16 weeks. So join me in just praying this little prayer: “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I need You. Forgive me of all of my sins right now. Cleanse me and I shall be whiter than snow. Come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. I receive You right now. Thank You for loving me. Amen.”
Beloved reader, if you have prayed that prayer for the first time I can promise you that you have just received eternal life, all your sins have been forgiven and forgotten by God, you will live forever and this living hope is a person now living inside of you and He will make Himself more and more real, day by day. He loves you and He wants the very best for you.
And I believe by faith, that this includes you’re being healed of cancer.
Call or text or email me anytime.
Bill White
Cell: 860-558-3019
Email: bill@conquering-cancer.org
A grain of mustard seed: