Cancer Free From State 4 / Terminal Metastatic Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma Cancer in 12 Weeks!
My name is Helena and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 / Terminal Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma Cancer in May of 2014. This is my story. About 6-7 years prior to my diagnosis, there were many telling signs that I was very ill. Firstly, I began to have severe classic...
Cancer Free From Terminal Metastatic Breast Cancer That Had Spread to the Lungs and Hilar Lymph Node in 19 Weeks
It started in August, 2019. My doctor sent me to have a chest X-Ray because of constant coughing that had been going on for months. I thought maybe I had bronchitis or asthma. I just stood there in stunned silence when he told me it looked like metastatic breast...
Bill White’s Journey to Become a Cancer Conqueror
On May 21, 2019 after receiving a call from my Primary Care Physician that my latest PSA showed a shocking increase to 10.5, I immediately made an appointment with a leading urologist / oncologist who performed a Prostate Biopsy and on 6/17/19, I was diagnosed at age...
Cancer Free From Terminal Prostate Cancer in 10 Weeks at home!
Cancer Free From Terminal Prostate Cancer in 10 Weeks at home! Steve Williams’ Testimony Arlington, TX 7/27/21 On June of 2018, on vacation, enjoying a beach in Rhode Island, I looked down at my phone and squinting through the sun saw that my PCP had written me due to...
Best Sleep of My Life and Huge Pain Reduction!
Twenty weeks ago, I began researching tenaciously this incredible "Bemer" PEMF technology and its efficacy, because I have personally suffered for years from not being able to get a good night's, refreshing sleep because of terrible back pain needing surgery that...
Double Vision Cured in 1 Week and Sleeping Better Than Ever!
I am 90 years old and have suffered from a number of ailments including double vision whenever I watch TV for years and difficulty sleeping/getting a deep, sound, refreshing sleep. After using the Bemer for only 1 week, my double vision while watching TV has...
Turbo-boosting My Immune System and Getting the Best Sleep!
I started fighting cancer from 9/16/21 and I am doing the natural path protocol with great hope of becoming cancer free while also doing chemo. A major stumbling block was I could not sleep well because of pain caused by the extensive cancer. Since deep, sound REM...